"Out of these ashes beauty will rise and we will dance among the ruins."

Monday, December 27, 2010


The day I took this photo was bad...a very bad day.  This is my late father and my niece, Allyson. He was very sick and almost died 5 hours after I shot this, and that was the kick off to the last 7 and a half  months of his earthly life.
His life was our life, his heart was our heart and in a way, his death was our death. I won't go into any details because they don't matter. It's not the part I want to remember, even though I will never rid my memory of the pain of that time. When I look at this photo, I remember the pain...but I see love. I can see the love he had for Ally and then I remember why we were together that day. We were living, celebrating a summer day by gathering at the little league field to watch Ally's sister play T-ball. Dad was there because he loved his family and no matter how sick he was, he wouldn't have missed it. My Dad lived every day to it's fullest. He set that example for us and he would want us to live, laugh and love to the utmost everyday until we can be together again, in Heaven.  So, even though a part of us died when we lost him, we continue to honor his memory by living.
I call this photo "Papa-sicle". It makes me smile...through my tears... with love for my Dad.

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